Workshop – Digital infrastructure: documenting and publishing materials safety data


The Advanced Materials Safety community is composed of researchers from different scientific fields, each with unique information requirements, methodologies, terminologies and levels of digitization expertise. As a result, data interpretation is hampered by the existence of different data types and a lack of standardized descriptions and quality criteria, which can lead to misinterpretation. eNanoMapper represents a state-of-the-art database for this community.

While data management and sharing tools such as Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELNs) are widely used in industry, analogue workflows are still dominant in academia. This approach might lead to errors in data generation which are later difficult to trace back. During the workshop we will therefore discuss the error culture in science and how errors are managed in the academic environment and beyond: We will explore how errors can be minimized – and how they can positively impact the research process.

The BMBF project DaNa has established a web-based knowledge base to share data on the safety of advanced materials with both the scientific community and the public. The project curates data from scientific publications according to a catalogue of criteria to ensure the validity of the information. SOPs are playing an increasingly important role. Therefore, the project provides a template and a listing of such work instructions for download online. Nevertheless, in many databases data upload processes are not currently automated, making seamless data findability and accessibility extremely difficult and frustrating for researchers.

In this workshop we want to share some of our experiences made so far in NFDI4Chem and transfer our knowledge to the multidisciplinary community dealing with aspects of the safety of advanced materials. Our aim is to provide ideas and best-practice examples to generate an RDM approach towards a FAIR infrastructure also in this multidisciplinary sector.

At the conference

Date & time
10 November 2023

Moderation and introduction
Felix Bach
FIZ Karlsruhe, Co-spokesperson NFDI4Chem, Karlsruhe, Germany

What do chemistry and advanced material
safety data have in common?
Christian Bonatto Minella
FIZ Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany

Error culture in science
John Jolliffe
Department of Chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany

From ELNs to Smart Labs and
interconnected repositories
Nicole Jung
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | KIT, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Karlsruhe, Germany

Evaluation and quality of data
on the safety of advanced materials
Katja Nau
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | KIT, Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics (IAI), Karlsruhe, Germany

About NFDI4Chem

NFDI4Chem envisions the complete digitalisation of all key steps in chemical research to help scientists collect, store, process, analyse, share and re-use research data. The primary goal of the consortium is to promote open science and research data management in line with the FAIR data principles. This vision and the developed architecture as well as some of the services and tools can be reused by other scientific communities like Advanced Material Safety.

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